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Summit Sunrise Sour

Celebrate Our 25th Anniversary With This Cocktail


One of the best ways we can imagine marking a big milestone is by reflecting on the places we’ve been and the places we’re going—with a great sunrise or sunset view and something refreshing and celebratory in hand. As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, we’re marking a silver jubilee of playing in, connecting with, and gearing up for the outdoors.  We’re toasting to the memories we’ve made out there and all the adventures on our horizon with a Summit Sunrise Sour.

The recipe below makes two cocktails. The only ingredients likely not already in your bar arsenal are those required to make a special spiced syrup—and this recipe makes plenty of it so you’ll have leftovers to make more cocktails, season a mug of hot cider and rum, or even spice up your oatmeal all season long.

Given the sunny-inspired layers of this drink, it doesn’t travel well (because the layers mix!) but it sure is easy to make at the trailhead if you do a little prep ahead of time. If you’re shaking this up for your next Lotprès, prep the simple syrup in advance, pre-mix all the cocktail ingredients except the red wine and ice, and mix it all up and serve it in Mason Jars—then get fancy and tipsy at the tailgate and toast to 25 Years Of Send.

Summit Sunrise Sour

Makes 2 cocktails



Spiced simple syrup: 


  • 1 cup evaporated cane juice (or sugar)
  • 1 cup filtered water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 small knob of ginger, peeled
  • 1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
  • 1 star anise pod
  • 3 green cardamom pods



For the cocktails: 


  • 2 oz rye or bourbon
  • 1 oz orange or lemon juice
  • 3/4 oz spiced simple syrup
  • 1 egg white (optional, helps keep the layers separate in the drink!) 
  • 1/2 oz red wine 
  • Ice




  • Cocktail shaker or large Mason jar
  • Cocktail strainer
  • Spoon for pouring wine


2 Highball glasses or small Mason jars

(to get the full visual effect of a sunrise in your glass!)

Make your simple syrup

In a small saucepan, combine the water and cane juice or sugar over medium-high heat. Bring the pot to a simmer until all of the sugar has dissolved, stirring often. You’ll know your simple syrup is done when you have a clear, viscous liquid and don’t see any granules of sugar at the bottom. 

Remove the simple syrup from heat and add the spices. Transfer the mixture to a glass jar—including the spices—to steep. 

Cool completely before replacing the lid and store in the fridge until you’re ready to use. The extra syrup will last up to one month. 

Shake up the drink! 

If you’re making at home: In a cocktail shaker, combine bourbon, orange juice, simple syrup, and egg white with a handful of ice. Put the lid on and shake vigorously until contents are well-mixed. 

Using a strainer, divide the cocktail mixture into two glasses filled with ice.

Divide the red wine between glasses, pouring it over the back of a spoon so that it gently floats atop. 

If you’re making at the tailgate: Before you go, in a large Mason jar, combine bourbon, orange juice, simple syrup, and egg white (optional!). Pack a baggie of ice in a very cold cooler. 

At the tailgate, add some of the ice to the Mason jar with the cocktail mix, cover with lid, and shake vigorously. 

Using a strainer, divide the cocktail mixture into two additional Mason jars filled with ice.

Divide the red wine between glasses, pouring it over the back of a spoon so that it gently floats atop. 


Raise glasses, salute the send, and enjoy! 

Lentine Alexis is a former professional endurance athlete & classically trained chef. The former Culinary Director at Skratch Labs, she uses a real-food philosophy to create recipes for athletes and everyone looking to eat well and adventure better. Find more recipes and info on her upcoming cookbook for athletes at lentinealexis.com, or follow her @lentinealexis.