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An Intro to Outdoor Jackets

Learn about different types of outdoor jackets, everything from ski jackets to softshells to fleece to work jackets, and how to choose the right...

How To Choose The Right Ski

What is the difference between all-mountain, big mountain, backcountry (aka touring), carving, powder, and park skis? Learn how to choose the ski...

How to Choose a Ski or Snowboard Jacket

Here are the key types and features you'll want to consider to choose the right ski or snowboard jacket for the right conditions.

Strength Training for Ski Touring

Strength training is an integral part of ski training, but it’s also important to address ski-specific movements and situations. Here are some...

The Goggles Guide

The basic function of any snow goggles is to enhance your vision on the slopes by protecting your eyes from wind, snow, impact, and cold, and to...

Jim Holland

From ski jumping to pioneering online retail to outdoor adventure and battling Parkinson’s. Backcountry co-founder Jim Holland’s always up for a...

How to Choose Alpine Ski Boots

Selecting a new pair of alpine ski boots can be a little overwhelming. Backcountry Gearhead Brandon Orloski, a former bootfitter, offers some...

Chase Your GOAT

Our Greatest of All Time experiences happen outside, and we’re guessing that yours do too. They happen on mountain trails and in backcountry trout...

Fleece Jacket Guide

This fleece guide helps customers choose a fleece jacket with a warmth rating & feature set for their activities of choice.

Why Women Need Wool

Wool clothing. Not scratchy, too-hot wool, but smooth, comfy merino or lambswool sweaters, long underwear, socks, hats, etc.--there's nothing...

How to Choose Ski or Snowboard Pants

When you're choosing a new pair of ski or snowboard pants, it's worth taking some time researching the various fabrics, features, and styles that...

The Layering Equation

Calculating how to layer on clothing for maximum comfort while venturing outside can be a tricky equation. There are lots of variables, like...